Against all odds Geoff Villarreal
Against all odds Geoff Villarreal
Despite having been born with only one hand and suffering from cancer and a rare disease, Mixed Martial Arts fighter Jeff Villareal has become one of the best in the state of California.
“I know most people would say it’s a disadvantage for me and then there might be that small population that might say it’s an advantage for me,” Villareal said.
With an undefeated record, Villareal’s goal is to try out for the Ultimate Fighting Championships.
However, what he really wants is to inspire others with disabilities to go after anything they desire.
Geoff attempt to chase his dream and go 4 and 0 in the cage Sunday September 27th at Fluxx Nightclub tickets and info at tickets are only $20 and part of the proceeds go to #genesisrecovery to help those battling addiction “